Posts tagged Sonny Soewarta
How the Danes experienced social distancing during Covid-19 (EN/DK language)

Sephia conducted an online study among Danes in April 2020 on their experience of social and physical distancing during the Corona crisis. The study was carried out using the EXPMapper™ method, which briefly put collects stories and anecdotes from participants to better understand their experience of a particular situation or issue.

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Opinions about how the Corona crises is handled

The governments of Denmark and Sweden have taken very different measures in relation to the Corona crisis, but what do the populations think? We have asked a representative sample of the people in Denmark and Sweden, respectively, about their trust in government and experts, as well as their attitudes to various measures in connection with the Corona crisis.

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Middle East markets are rapidly recovering from the economic downturn

The Sephia Group has a store operations training program to address the rapidly recovering Middle East markets.

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A Read of the Month. Recommendation from Sonny

‘Good Strategy Bad Strategy ‘ by Richard Rumelt. What is a good strategy and what components are needed to make it robust?

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