Opinions about how the Corona crises is handled

Different views on the Corona virus in Denmark and Sweden

Opinions about how the Corona crises is handled

Publication by cand. Stat. Hans Bay
347 Words | 5 min


The governments of Denmark and Sweden have taken very different measures in relation to the Corona crisis, but what do the populations think?

We have asked a representative sample of the people in Denmark and Sweden, respectively, about their trust in government and experts, as well as their attitudes to various measures in connection with the Corona crisis.


Not surprisingly, there is a great deal of support for governments regarding their handling of the Corona crisis, but the support is considerably greater in Denmark than in Sweden. In Denmark, as many as 63% responded that they agreed or totally agreed with the statement "I trust the government to make the right decisions in the fight against Corona virus", compared to only 48% in Sweden.

There is also support to close the borders to Denmark and Sweden respectively, but while in Denmark 60% agree or totally agree with the question, only 50% agree / totally agree in Sweden.

In turn, there is a great deal of disagreement when it comes to the question "It is the right decision to close non-community-critical businesses and schools (does not apply to pharmacies, supermarkets etc.) to prevent the spread of Corona virus." As many as 67% in Denmark fully agree / agree against only 38% in Sweden. Here it must be noted that it was only in Denmark that a shutdown of non-community-critical businesses and schools took place.

The biggest disagreement between the study in Sweden and Denmark relates to the question "I believe that the EU should be given more powers over the member states to deal with crisis situations like the Corona virus". Here, 45% of Danes agree or totally agree while only 23% in Sweden agree or totally agree.

As for the length of the Corona crisis, Danes are more optimistic than Swedes. 64% of Danes and 49% of Swedes respond that the Corona crisis will be over in 6 months.

The survey was conducted among 800 respondents in Sweden and Denmark from 26 March till 17 April.

The full survey is shown in the graphs below


Hans Bay

Hans Bay

Statistics & motives of action in consumer business

Being a statistician crunching numbers and the ability to handle vast amounts of date is part of Hans’ DNA but his real talent is to see beyond the numbers and understand what really motivates people. Behind every number in the world of consumer business there is a human action being taken. If we understand what motivates each action we are able to take better decisions.

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